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New Machine Projects: Volunteers and Producers Wanted

Well, after a year and a half of moving from San Francisco to Petaluma and a few months of setting everything up again, SRL is finally back in the robot making business. We’re working on a couple new machine projects and want to be ready to show them off to the public.

Photo from John Behrens

Photo from Jon Alloway

Please contact Mark Pauline at markp [at] srl [dot] org if you can offer us an opportunity for a live SRL performance. We offer public events of almost any scale, from a few machines to shows with over 40 tons of robots! In keeping with the SRL tradition over the past 30 years, our performances give new meaning to the word extreme. So, please, if you’re looking for SRL “lite” type events, look elsewhere.

Mark Pauline
Survival Research labs
839 Petaluma Blvd North
Petaluma, CA 94952